A Paddle Board Perspective Change

SUP with this

Stand Up Paddle Board you ask?!

Well, quite a bit actually… I’ve tied A WHOLE lotta meaning to this thing.

I purchased this Atoll stand up paddle board last November when I was going through HUGE health changes, my life was in complete flux and basically everything felt real crappy and chaotic. I had never even stepped onto a paddle board before but I proclaimed to my Mom that this purchase would CHANGE MY LIFE.

(Of course she immediately noted it was November in Wisconsin and like ‘WTF Linds, ya planning on pulling it behind a snowmobile?’)

But alas, It HAS changed everything

After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, I had a theory that what is in motion will stay in motion. I just needed to decide * what * that motion would look like for me. I suddenly envisioned MY BEST SELF on a paddle board surrounded by friends.

After scrolling through websites and doing some research, I followed my gut and pressed purchase on this Atoll board that was calling to me.

This new proclaimed hobby was a catalyst for change AND ALL BEFORE EVER STEPPING ON THE BOARD! Note: by ‘proclaimed’, yes my pick-up-line was ‘so, you paddle?’ Well I hadn’t. But I apparently had a lot to say about it to anyone who would listen.

The lesson this journey gifted me…

Step into who you want to become before you feel ready - even before you know what the next steps will look like.

The paddle board was the motivation to *get after it* and regain a sense of control that I felt I had lost over my health and the big changes in my life. I felt a new sense of bravery to step outside of other comfort zones and explore all sorts of things. New forms of movement, wellness based activities, healing modalities and to meet new friends as an adult (not easy). I reached out to women in the community and asked to try new activities with them - ice skating, cross country skiing, snow shoeing - it was winter after all. Went on wellness retreats, started a meditation challenge and found reiki. I flew to Montana and went downhill skiing (if you’re going to do it, you might as well go big and make the trek to a mountain), I tried different gyms, explored weight training, took motorcycle lessons, went bouldering…

The list honestly goes on and on and I intend to continue to collect hobbies! I NEVER expected life to bring me here but honestly it’s better than I could have imagined for myself. Lindsay 2.0 is having A TON of fun.

When I FINALLY stepped onto the board in June it was perfect. The highly anticipated moment unfolded beautifully at sunset with one of my favorite human beings / talented photographer / linyage bride @bymollyrosie who happened to be visiting from Montana. She had helped me pick out the board, supported me through my journey and so thoughtfully captured the moment. (I know, she’s a friggin’ gem and one of my best).

Change is hard. Change is constant. Change is inevitable.

Embrace change my friends, it’s where the growth happens.

If you’re interested in paddling, I highly recommend an inflatable. There are lots of great boards out there at different prices but here’s the one I have fallen head over heels for. Super easy and quick to pump up using the hand pump that is included, simple to transport, it is super stable and is serving me very well.